“Accountability is not the same as punishment, and the spiritual liberation of true healing cannot be achieved by continuing a cycle of violence.”
– Sukey Novogratz

We are trying to build a movement that matches and heals the harm that has been done.



We support leaders and organizations building power, narratives, and solutions to dismantle systems of oppression, heal our communities, and transform our future.

OUR vision

We envision a society in which the structural barriers created by racism, poverty, and inequality are no more; where, instead, we live in a multiracial, fully representative democracy; and where all people have the dignity, abundance, freedom, and rights needed to thrive. We finally want to achieve the promise of our democracy and the collective right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Galaxy Gives was founded in 2017 out of Mike and Sukey Novogratz’s indignation about the injustice of New York City’s cash bail system, where mostly poor Black and Brown communities were left to languish in jail for misdemeanors. Our founders believe that we arrive at justice and accountability by healing, both for the survivor and for the person who committed harm, rather than punishing both. Galaxy Gives was born out of the desire to tackle the unfair and brutal criminal legal system by ending mass incarceration. You can learn more about our story from one of our founders, Mike Novogratz.
“Our criminal justice system is unfair, unjust, mean-spirited, and a scourge on our democracy.”
–Mike Novogratz